Unwelcome Calls and Messages Policy

If you receive unwelcome calls or text messages, you can request an unwelcome communications investigation.

Unwelcome communications are at least 3 calls, SMS or PXT over a period of more than 24 hours and less than 120 hours, or at least 10 calls, SMS or PXT in a 24 hour period.

If you receive unwelcome calls and messages, we recommend that you don't answer or reply. You can block the caller/sender's number using your phone's built-in call rejection features or by downloading an app to restrict incoming calls and messages. Changing your mobile number is a last resort, but it can be one by contacting our team.

If the communications are threatening, we recommend you contact the police.

How to request an unwelcome communications investigation.

You can request an unwelcome communications investigation by giving us a call on 1555 from your Vodafone phone or 1300 650 410 from any phone.

What you'll need to provide to us.

Here's what you'll need to provide for us to conduct an unwelcome communications investigation:

  • The caller/sender’s number, if not blocked.
  • Police report reference number, if applicable.
  • Details of any requests you’ve made for unwelcome communications investigations in the past, if applicable.
  • At least 3 examples of unwelcome communications over a period of more than 24 hours and less than 120 hours, or at least 10 examples in a 24 hour period. All examples must include times, dates and call durations, if applicable.

Details of the unwelcome communications. This can include descriptions of the language used, the tone of the calls or messages, and screenshots of SMS and MMS chains.

As part of the investigation, the caller/sender may be sent correspondence requesting they cease any unwelcome communications. For us to do this, you’ll need to consent for your number to be released to the caller/sender. Any correspondence with the caller/sender won't include your name.

Additional Information

  • We're unable to investigate unwelcome communications that were received more than 30 days ago.
  • We are unable to investigate unwelcome communications from overseas numbers.
  • To use voicemail messages as examples of unwelcome communications, you'll need to provide details of the time and date when the message was left.
  • If you're using an iPhone, messages sent with iMessage can't be used as examples of unwelcome communications. This is because iMessage uses data rather than our network's calling or messaging gateways. You can switch iMessage off to ensure that your messages are received as a standard SMS or PXT.
  • Calls, video calls and messages received through third party instant messaging apps, such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp can't be used as examples of unwelcome communications. This is because apps use data rather than our network's call or messaging gateways.
  • Under Australian privacy laws, we are unable to give out any information about the caller/sender.

Telemarketing calls

If you don’t wish to receive telemarketers’ calls, you can add your number to the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) ' Do Not Call Register'. It may take up to 30 days for marketing agencies to recognise your registration and stop calling you. Mobile numbers remain on the register indefinitely. You can remove your number from the register if your situation changes.

Adding your number should stop most unsolicited calls but some categories of callers such as charities or religious organisations, registered political parties, educational institutions, market researchers and companies you have an active ongoing business relationship with will still be able to call you.

If you're a Vodafone customer, the Do Not Call Register won’t stop marketing calls and messages from us. To opt out of our marketing communications, see our support page for details.

You're not be able to add your mobile number to the  Do Not Call Register if it’s primarily used for business calls.